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Emma Taylor
5 Cheap or free things to do in Salzburg
Poor & The City 📷 by Em So you’re either in or heading to Salzburg for a cheap European city break. With the pull of the pound getting...
5 Reasons why you should work abroad
A guest post on : 25before25 This month I’m a guest poster on the blog 25before25, an innovative project launched by Londoner Emma Rosen....
Oh Vienna
Whirlwind weekend in VIENNA 📷 by There’s nothing quite like a city break in the ‘in between’ months (or any kind...
First week living in Austria
I CAME, I SAW, I GOT WHIPPED Monday I landed at Munich around 4.30pm ish. The sun was setting and the pilot on board the plane said the...
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet
UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN I’ve jacked my office job in and I’m moving to Austria. Granted, I’m swapping one desk for another, but instead of...
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